You belong in our Movement! Join NMSU-NEA Today!
We're taking our seat at the table
We're coming together to form our union: NMSU-NEA. Together we're building the collective power we need for the changes we deserve!
If you are a college-track, tenured or tenure-track faculty at NMSU system campuses, the first step in joining your colleagues is to sign an authorization card.
Our efforts to build a better NMSU Community
As college-track, tenured and tenure-track faculty with shared concerns we are joining together to advocate for workplace improvements. By acting collectively, we can promote transparency and equity in workplace decisions such as salaries, benefits and teaching loads, workplace safety and grievance procedures that provide legally binding protections for workers and accountability for administrators. Together we can take steps to create an environment that better reflects the values we bring to our HSI, MSI, Land-Grant institution.
- NMSU Organizing Committee
Learn more about our vision for a better NMSU Sign Your Authorization Card