NEA-NM ensuring equity and excellence in education in New Mexico for more than 125 years
We are educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, and friends who believe in and work towards equal opportunities for success for all New Mexico students, and respect and support for all educators.
Our best hope for student success is you.
Your passion and commitment are crucial to helping all students—of all colors and backgrounds—learn, grow, and fulfill their potential. Here’s how you can get started.

Grow your career and become a leader in your profession.

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Let's Get Real
Let's Bring Real Change
Let's Get Real
Research suggests that teacher residencies bring greater gender and racial diversity into the teaching workforce.
Let's Bring Real Change

— Carlos Avila, Middle School Social Studies Educator, Las Cruces
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What's on your mind?
We're here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (lessons, fact sheets, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We're here to support you in any way you need.
Join now and make your voice heard
The only way New Mexico’s public school educators and support staff can create great public schools and support all students is if we have a seat at the table.