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National Board Jump Start with NEA-NM

Jump Start unpacks the NBC process, delves into the standards, and helps members understand the candidacy experience.
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What is National Board Certification?

National Board Certification is based on professional standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. The National Board certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous certification process. NEA supports and promotes the national certification process as an important element of a comprehensive system to ensure teacher quality.

What is Jump Start?

Jump Start is a 3-day program to help you dive into National Board Certification and prepare for your candidacy journey. Join NM National Board Certified Teachers as we demystify the NBC process, delve into the NB standards, and help participants understand the requirements of NB certification.

NEA-NM Member Benefits

Note: If you are yet to become a member of NEA-NM, we invite you to look further at the opportunity and learn more about becoming a member here.

  • Non-Members who join during the course of Jump Start sessions will receive a refund to honor member prices
  • Retake Jump Start for 50% off the current member price
  • 2 complimentary Candidate Retreats through the NMNBCT Network
  • Monthly NB candidate support, virtual Office Hours (starting Aug 2024)

Virtual Jump Start Office Hours

Sessions starting August 2024!

NEA-NM CCS has organized ongoing monthly National Board support for the 2024-2025 cycle for all NEA-NM member candidates. All sessions will be run by Jump Start facilitators. Sessions will run from 4:30-6:30PM. Generally, the 1st hour will feature a presentation on a topic and the 2nd hour will be reserved for working with candidate concerns or questions although 1:1 sessions may open up depending on staffing.

Virtual Office Hours Schedule

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The Shoulder Tap

Are you a current NBCT?

"Shoulder Tap" a colleague to start their National Board journey with Jump Start!