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NEA Representative Assembly 2024

The National Education Association Representative Assembly (RA) is NEA’s highest decision-making body. With over 9,000 delegates, it is also the world’s largest democratic, deliberative body. Delegates will gather July 3-7 in Philadelphia, PA for the Association’s 161st Annual Meeting and 99th Representative Assembly.

NEA-New Mexico Seeks to Increase Minority Participation

3-1(g): A Plan for RA Minority Participation

NEA bylaw 3-1(g) states that it is the policy of the Association to work to achieve ethnic-minority delegate representation at least equal to the proportion of identified ethnic-minority populations within the state. NEA-New Mexico has a plan to achieve a total state and local delegation to the Representative Assembly that reflects its ethnic-minority proportions. Locals are encouraged to elect their full contingent of delegates to the Representative Assembly. Presidents in locals with more than one delegate candidate will be encouraged to meet the 3-1(g) numerical goals.

In summary for those interested in attending the NEA Representative Assembly, please note the following:

  • Local associations should schedule and announce a call for elections of NEA local delegates in advance of the deadline April 8th.  
  • Contact your local association to find out when your local meeting is happening to run for a RA position.  

  • Locals should make an effort to see that minorities are among local delegates elected to the RA.  

  • Make sure successor delegates are elected in case a delegate is unable to attend.

Self-identify your ethnicity!


Future NEA RA Dates

2025, Portland, OR

2026, Denver, CO